Selasa, 29 November 2016

The Online Information Debate

Muklis     : Hi Febri how are you?

Febri        : Hi also my very good news Klis.

Muklis     : I was confused to find a site that allowed me to look  for information?

Febri        : I know the best sites are very easy to get and visit.

Muklis     : May I know what the name of the site?

Febri        : I usually use site because the site is   very easy to get

 ( then Qodri and Ismail came over them both )

Qodri       : Hey what are you talking about?

Febri        : Muklis want to find out the best sites are easily visited

Qodri       : Oh I know it, be careful too many sites are forbidden to open us remember the words of the teachers.

Ismail      : Yes true what they say Qodri, one example is the negative things.

Qodri       : So, we go to the site was positive only.

Ismail      : Why do not you just look in the library rather than on the internet

Muklis     : What difference did search the internet or at the library?

Qodri       : If according to my search on the Internet only, the reason I stayed the more easily we put what we want to find and live out the results.

Ismail      : I do not agree with you qod, one of the difference in the library more inspiration despite having to search the book what we need

Muklis     : Yes indeed different from searching on the Internet or at the library

Febri        : Already Klis, I prefer to search on the internet especially through the site I gave earlier.

Muklis     : Oke feb, then I follow you just right easier. thanks for the advice of friends

Qodri, Febri, Kenta: You’re welcome klis.

Rabu, 23 November 2016

A Letter To Your Younger Self And Your 10-Years-Later-Self

Well, the task of this blog may be a little harder than before, because I had to tell a message to myself 10 years ago, I might also have forgotten what I'm going to tell you, but I have a message that may look a little strange. It is a dream that has yet been reached, and maybe it will never happen at all, because I dreamed of being a cartoon character holding a very sharp sword in the world, then go save the city of Pontianak in front of classmates. It was my dream 10 years ago. And its end I chose another dream, I dreamed of becoming a famous beatbox artist in the world, such as:

Reeps one
He was a beatboxer origin United Kingdom, london, because I really hope to meet directly with Reeps one in london. And because he was the one I really like the beatbox, I am very motivated by her. He is intelligent and genius in the music world beatbox. In addition, he is also very good at drawing and very expert in the game of chess. Reeps one is one of the most prolific beatboxer in creating music beatbox. From all that, I hope the next few years, I can meet with my idolah figures.


Selasa, 22 November 2016

Your Karaoke Song Of Choice And Why

Today, I will share a story about my favorite karaoke song and why. My favorite songs are always selected when the karaoke is a hip hop rapper named Drake Started From The Bottom title. Not just any karaoke song, the song was even now I'm listening while writing a blog. Why did I choose rapper drake? The first, from the unique and simple instrument coupled with lyrics that are easy to remember. When listening to the songs Drake - Started From The Bottom, I feel a little more confident, more enthusiasm, and also get some inspiration when bored. In that song berceritakan about minimarket store clerk who craves freedom, he was very bored working as a waitress in a mini market, he wanted to take the time for a bit of fun.

When listening to the songs Drake - Started From The Bottom, I feel a little more confident, more enthusiasm, and also get some inspiration when bored. In that song berceritakan about minimarket store clerk who craves freedom, he was very bored working as a waitress in a mini market, he wanted to take the time for a bit of fun. In the end he also found a way to eliminate the sense of fatigue, by making a song with lyrics that is easy to sing. By closing the store early, they can sing along with in-store with a very happy.


Minggu, 13 November 2016

Your Favorite Place You've Traveled To

Well, this time I'll tell you about a favorite place I have ever visited, Happy reading :). 

There are few places I visited and became my favorite place. One of his Indonesian National Gallery, why? because there had several times held the event on the theme of the works of art, graffiti, murals, and others.
And another reason is I love her artwork image.
The event carries the theme of "Bebas Tapi Sopan". It was also supported by the local authorities and supported by the public. Before his graffiti is considered a masterpiece that is illegal, why is that? because graffiti is a medium to convey the aspirations of the drawing feelings.

Enthusiastic some of the younger artists is very good, there are also artists from outside are supporting the event. In addition to the exhibition of graffiti, murals, stencil and others. There are also pamera sticker identification of the artists participating artists and visitors. Which has been enshrined by the National Gallery of Indonesia, and all went well. There are few tourists and visitors to capture the moment of the event, they were very pleased and feel very fortunate because meilhat can come and live events held in the National Gallery of Indonesia
And it is also one of the collections in the museum, in addition to existing painting and several galleries nationwide, graffiti, murals, stencil and others also one collection of images of young artists, which aims to donate their works are often is considered illegal or too often considered a crime.

picture on the side is a picture where visitors and artists participated sticker hers.

Thank's for visit and reading my blog.
i hope you enjoy

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