Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

Smartphone Apps That i Like

Okay this is a meeting about 5 weeks, and i just wanna tell you about smartphone apps that i like.
applications that are always on my smartphone is...

1. Instagram
Why i choose Instagram?  Because with Instagram, because with Instagram, it can help me to see the culture and beauty of the panorama and in some parts of the world. And it makes me happy and enjoy. Enjoy the beauty of the world through Instagram, I get a lot of inspiration for the head and my brain. Because my dream is to travel around the world. 

and this is one of the owners who are always posted instagram account natural beauty in the world

This is one of the natural beauty that exist in Indonesia

2. Offline Game/ Online game
And you know why i choose offline game? because offline game very help to dispel bored. And other, i think offline game can reduce stress levels in excess. 

3. Youtube
Youtube is the application that is always there in my smartphone, why? in Youtube we are able to access a lot of videos of people in the world. We can see some of the works of famous artists in the world. We are free streaming video, ranging from music videos, short films as well as some news that may be happening in some parts of the world

Thank's for reading :) and i hope you enjoy :)
(231 WORDS)

Minggu, 09 Oktober 2016

Movie that Describe My Life (The Most)

movie? talk about the movie, there are some films that really inspired me, one of his movies naruto. Why did I choose naruto? Because of Naruto as a character who does not easily give up, always protect your friends the theme, the theme of sacrifice to a friend.

This is Naruto as a child.

Naruto is the son of two powerful shinobi people. naruto mother and father had died because he wanted to protect Naruto from a strong monster's tail 9 sealed within the mother.

The monster then removed and resealed in Naruto's body as a baby. That's the reason why everyone else hates and does not care about Naruto. but Naruto still striving to become Hokage Naruto in order to gain a lot of friends and do not become people in hate by others. he practiced every day in order to be strong, to be the person who can protect the villagers and friends theme. 

rigorous training for the sake of dreams achieved. Naruto became a stronger person, being a person who truly be proud by the villagers and friends theme.

besides intending to protect a friend theme.He name Sasuke. Naruto also have other objectives, tersebuat goal is to take back one of his close friends affected to be strong in the wrong way for the sake of revenge against the brothers because had killed all the family. 

Naruto, Sasuke also tried to resuscitate order not to fall in the wrong way, but Sasuke still intend to become stronger in order to kill his brother.

Sasuke finally realized the mistakes I've ever done and Sasuke unconscious and out of the way to mislead her.

Thanks for reading my blog:) 
Words ( 275 )

Senin, 03 Oktober 2016

International Culture Festival (video)

one day my teacher ask my class to visit international culture festival at UPT Bahasa Tanjungpura University. there I get some new information that I know. I just want a  tell you about some information on international culture festival. I just visited 2 booth and I just get some information. i explain it in the video that I have made. and i hope you enjoy :)

Thanks for watching and thanks for reading my blog. comment my video. If there are some miss spelling in may english, please comment in my video or my blog. :)